
A Guide to Hitachi Welfare Recycling



We consider environ mental protection a challege to be seriously addressed. To ward that challenge, we intend to commit ourselves to a kaind of recycling that meets the needs of the times and allows this beautiful earth to be passed on to our future generations though Hitachi welfare recycling.


A first step toward independence


In collaboration with Hitachi city hall and social welfare facillities besed in the city of Hitachi, we recruit persons with disabilities to demolish and sort PCs. Inworking together with tlem, we consider better ways of allowing them to work and encourage them to come up with other good ideas for that purpose. We hope to make a humble, if not great, contribution to the community, so as to realize a society where persons with disabilities can lead an independent life.


PCs, pottable phones, and other office-automation equipment are made of various materials. The refore, in order to recycle such equipment, it is important to divide it in to groups by type of material whernever possible, contrary to the manufacturing process. And although manual demolition and sorting takes time and money, we consider this little bit of work necessary to increase the recycling rate toward becoming a resource-recycling society.